The inner dimension of sustainability is increasingly recognized and at the core of some recent initiatives such as the UNDP-convened Conscious Food Systems Alliance or the Inner Development Goals. Educational methods and approaches to develop the inner capacities for sustainability are being identified and leveraged. They include contemplative practices such as mindfulness, nature connection or compassion trainings, which have also been shown to positively contribute to our well-being. Through strengthening our connection to self, others and nature, they offer a promising pathway for collective well-being. The recognition of the inner dimension of well-being and sustainability leads to proposing a new development paradigm and agenda – the Politics of Being, – emphasizing “being more” rather than “having more” as our main collective goal. It calls for a dialogue between science and wisdom traditions, healing collective trauma, and nations’ reconnection to their cultural and spiritual roots.
This Masterclass will offer an opportunity to learn and reflect on the above and to address the following questions:
- What inner well-being looks like? And how can we cultivate that?
- Why is that important?
- How does that relate to “the Politics of Being”?
- What are the implications of that to education?
Thomas Legrand
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Thomas Legrand is a wisdom’s seeker, a social scientist and a sustainability practitioner. Holding a Ph.D. in Economics, he works on forest conservation, climate change, sustainable finance, and leadership with UN organizations, NGOs and companies. He is currently the Lead Technical Advisor for the UNDP-convened Conscious Food Systems Alliance. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book “Politics of Being. Wisdom and Science for a New Development Paradigm” (2022), an invitation to radically rethink our model of development. His spiritual journey began at the age of 23 with an encounter with native spirituality in Mexico. He now lives with his wife and their two young daughters near Plum Village, the monastery of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the Southwest of France, his country.
What is a Masterclass?
An Earth Charter Masterclass is a two-hour class facilitated by a person (together with a moderator) on a topic of their experience and interest, with a space for questions and interaction between the participants. It offers an opportunity to get some practical examples and new insights. There is no reading or preparation requirement to take part in the Masterclass, nor homework.
Our Masterclass series offers an opportunity to expand our understanding on the challenges of our time and how to address them using the Earth Charter as a reference. The Masterclass are held live on the Zoom platform. All recordings will be made available on a special platform (at a later moment and for a limited access).
Terms and conditions
If you cannot participate in the Masterclass that you have registered and paid for, we will not be able to issue a refund.
Access to the recordings of the Masterclasses will not be offered individually.