

Earth Charter Actions in Florianópolis – Brazil

To celebrate the 10th anniversary since the Earth Charter launch, the Harmonia na Terra Institute promoted an action with children and youngsters of an association in Florianapolis, the capital of the State of Santa Catarina – Brazil, which involved art and environmental education.


UMAPAZ joins the "It Starts with You" campaign

Its objective is to promote the concept of “Earth Citizenship” among the vast public, which establishes that the interest for the Planet’s common welfare surpasses that of the individuals.


Colima joins the celebrations of EC+10 and Mother Earth in Mexico

With the purpose of celebrating the International Day of Mother Earth in Colima, Mexico, the federal delegate of SEMARNAT (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources) invited people to a ceremony to further disseminate and have them support the Earth Charter values and principles in the area. 

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