

Climate Smart Leaders program

Indonesian Climate Smart Leaders is program dedicated to urban youth age of 15-24 with high activities in urban areas. The program purpose not only to build awareness about the important role of youth to answer the challenge of climate change but also to give youth the opportunity to directly involved and take real actions to innovate a technology and apply green lifestyle as one of the ways to mitigate and adapt to the impact of climate change.


Eighth e-GLO 2 session

The eighth, and last, e-GLO 2 session was held on Saturday, January 30th, 2010.

e-GLO, Earth Charter Global Learning Opportunity, is a semester-long, online leadership course inspired by the Earth Charter.


Earth Charter inspiring action through e-GLO!

30 young activist from 20 different countries participated in e-GLO 2, ‘Earth Charter Guiding Leaders Towards Sustainability Action’, during Sep 2009 – Jan 2010.

Read participants’ exciting testimonials. Be aware though – they might inspire you to join the next e-GLO!

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