Ann Cathrin Nachtwey is originally from Germany and she is pursuing a college degree in International Project and Change Management in The Netherlands. She became involved in the Earth Charter Movement in 2021 by participating in the Leadership, Sustainability and Ethics (LSE) online youth course and then becoming actively engaged in the Young Leaders Network. Currently, she is bringing together a European network of Earth Charter Young Leaders.

“I just believe in every word of the Earth Charter, and I’m totally standing behind it. ”
Ann Cathrin first heard about the Earth Charter during her university degree. From the first time she read the document, she was amazed by the Earth Charter principles and wanted to get in touch with the organisation behind the principles to learn more about them.
“I just believe in every word of the Earth Charter, and I’m totally standing behind it. So, when I heard that there’s an online course for youth to become more involved and young leaders, or ambassadors, for the Earth Charter, it was not a question, I immediately signed up.”
Currently, Ann Cathrin lives and studies in the Netherlands. She loves making connections with people from around the world. After following the LSE course in 2021, she immediately became active as an Earth Charter Young Leader. She enjoys spreading the word about the Earth Charter and its 16 principles within her private and professional network, and frequently shares information about the Earth Charter and upcoming events on her social media channels. For her university programme, she has been researching value communication online and was able to integrate the Earth Charter principles into her work. One thing that keeps inspiring Ann-Cathrin are the Masterclasses organised by the Earth Charter secretary. Additionally to the bi-monthly young leaders meetings, the masterclasses keep her engaged with other people in the network.
“The masterclasses offered by the Earth Charter, I think they are incredible. They are so enlightening and eye-opening and thought-provoking. I really liked them. And I think they really facilitate this transformative worldview shift.“
Joining the LSE course and later the young leaders network meant for Ann-Cathrin that she found new friends from all around the world. She was able to internationalise her network further.
“I’m still in contact with the people I did the course with so yeah, in the end, foreign participants became my friends. I’m still in contact with five of them.”
Since then, An Cathrin has contributed a lot to the Earth Charter network. She co-facilitated the LSE course, she is the project leader of the European Earth Charter Young Leaders network, and she represents, together with her friend and fellow young leader Cameron, the Earth Charter in the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth, which allows her to connect and collaborate with even more people internationally.
She hopes that more people will become aware of the Earth Charter principles and use them to reflect on their own lives to collectively foster a more just, kind, and peaceful world.
“The Earth Charter document shifted the way I’m seeing the world. This shift from ego to eco, but also very much the human side of having this once in a lifetime opportunity on Earth and treating everyone with respect, this open and inclusive view on valuing everyone equally, and listening to everyone and appreciating everyone’s contribution. “
Ann Cathrin is highly motivated to inspire more people to live by the Earth Charter values and hopes to continue her work for the Earth Charter for a long time in the future.
“I’m very happy with my involvement with the Earth Charter and I want to stay part of this network for the rest of my life.”