
From the EC Youth Network to Deputy Minister of Water, Oceans, Coasts and Wetlands

Fernando is the Deputy Minister in charge of Water, Seas, Coasts and Wetlands in the Ministry of Environment and Energy of the Republic of Costa Rica.

Fernando is the Deputy Minister in charge of Water, Seas, Coasts and Wetlands in the Ministry of Environment and Energy of the Republic of Costa Rica. His main goal as Deputy Minister is to lead, together with other institutions, the reform and creation of public policies related to water resources, wetlands, coastal and marine areas, and developing environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive processes where welfare and human security are promoted along with the stability and health of ecosystems.

He currently holds the positions of: Representative of the Minister of Environment and Energy on the Executive Boards of the Institute of Rural Development and the National Commission of Risk Prevention and Emergency Response and as the President of the Presidential Social Council and on the Board of Pacific Marine Park.


In the months of October and November 2011, I had the opportunity to attend, by invitation, the “Youth Leadership, Environmental Sustainability and Ethics” program, organized by Youth Action for Change and Earth Charter International. It was at that moment that I discovered the Earth Charter.

At the time, I had environmental projects in common with my associate Marcello Hernandez, Youth Coordinator at Earth Charter International. We were both part of a Costa Rican nonprofit organization called CO2.cr.

The Earth Charter course  was an excellent opportunity to share with young people across the planet, to learn about their ideals and experiences on such important topics as ethics, leadership, social commitment and environmental sustainability.

Today I apply those learnings in my daily work as a citizen and as Deputy Minister in Costa Rica, where the vocation for a better tomorrow allows us to harmonize state policies to achieve a more inclusive and more environmentally conscious country.


In recent years, I have led processes to improve environmental conservation, sustainable use and regulation of aquatic resources, which include the formulation of the National Wetland Policy in Costa Rica, the Institutional Marine Plan of the Ministry of Environment and Energy the Tica Water Fund.

During the month of February 2016, I served as President at the Second Meeting of Signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding of Migratory Sharks of the Convention on Migratory Species (UNEP) was held in Costa Rica). In 2016, part of the efforts will focus on achieving actions around the Marine Spatial Planning, control and surveillance of maritime areas and the consolidation of important sites for Marine Conservation, a strategy to promote the conservation sea turtles, among others.

I have had the opportunity to participate in various projects, workshops, conferences and courses related to issues of Planning and Land Use Planning, Geomatics (digital Cartography and Geographic Information Systems), Risk Management and Disaster, Climate Change (greater emphasis on Adaptation), coastal management and wetlands (greater emphasis on mangroves), geomorphology (greater emphasis on coastal geomorphology) and local community development.

Leadership as a young person and the principles of environmental ethics are precisely the strengths that have allowed me to assertively carry out my position, achieving a series of actions and new visions for creating an increasingly inclusive, supportive, and committed environmental policy which cares for the the welfare of the people and a healthy and ecologically balanced environment.

Young people are ready to lead, and are leading now. Today, we have the opportunity to bring about change hand in hand with the other generations. We can inspire change, working to develop sustainable societies that respect and allow for a healthy, stable, and balanced environment.

References to some of Fernando´s publications are:

  • Silva, M., Picado, J., Mora, F. and Gonzalez, C. 2015. Sedimentological implications of the change in the coverage of mangrove forest in Boca Zacate, Wetland Nacioanl Térraba-Sierpe, Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int J. Biol Trop ISSN 0034-7744-…) Vol 63 (3):. 591-601. Available in http://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rbt/article/view/16173
  • Mora, F. 2014. Outlook: Policy adaptation to climate change in coastal areas, alternative for communities in Costa Rica. Available in http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/fesamcentral/10782.pdf. ISBN 978-9977-961-44-6
  • Mora, F. 2014. The community and local scale intervention in the development of Costa Rica’s South Pacific region. In Rodriguez, M. (Coordinadora). academic experiences in the South Pacific. Grafos Lithography (1 Ed.). Cartago, Costa Rica. ISBN 978-9968-619-39-4
  • Mora, F. 2014. Notes: Towards adaptation policies in coastal areas. Available in http://www.fesamericacentral.org/files/fes-america-central/actividades/costa_rica/Actividades_cr/140408%20Mesa%20CC%20Zonas%20costeras/Apuntes%20FES%20zonas%20costeras%20-%20Fernando%20Mora .pdf
  • Alvarez, C. Mora, F. 2013. Outlook: Community adaptation to climate change. Available in http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/fesamcentral/10442.pdf. ISBN 978-

For information on current Earth Charter International youth courses, similar to the one that Fernando took, please visit: https://earthcharter.org/youth/youth-courses-webinars.