Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: Country: France
Nous, les enfants de la Terre – Song
An Earth Charter song entitled “Nous, les enfants de la Terre” was written in France by Eric Tudico. It was also translated into English with the title "We, the Children of the Earth".
Published: Country: International
Reflection Questions on the Earth Charter
Five questions for a group reflection on the Earth Charter, appropriate for religious and non-religious contexts
Published: Country: International
Syllabus – Spirituality and Sustainability Course at St. Clara University
Syllabus of an undergrad class on " Spirituality and Sustainability" that is based on the Earth Charter
Published: Country: International
Earth Charter Poster
Published: Country: International
Sample cases of the Earth Charter in Business
These are cases of businesses that are using the Earth Charter in their work.
Published: Country: International
Earth Scouts Guide
Earth Scouts Facilitators Guide. Activities for ages 3-13. A manual with guidelines and activities for Earth Scouts activities.
Published: Country: Spain
Innovative Education Project – Investigation Proposal
An innovative education project based on the Earth Charter. Its methodology intends to take the Earth Charter values and principles to the classroom through sensitizing sessions, awareness and clarification of values, not only through cognitive and conceptual learning but through…
Published: Country: International
Global Warming is an Ethical Issue
global warming is undeniably an ethical issue, and we must face it as such. That means asking hard questions about responsibility, accountability, and the differences between actions -- whether political, economic, or wholly personal -- that are right versus those…
Published: Country: United States
La Charte de la Terre, texte de droit international de “Soft Law”
Ce document passe en revue le processus nécessaire à Charte de la Terre afin de devenir un instrument de ‘Soft Law’ internationalement reconnu, par l’importance que ceci requérait pour elle. La visée première de la Charte de la Terre est…
Published: Country: India
Seeds of Hope: Report of Assessment
Report of a research to assess the impact of "Seeds of Hope" exhibition. The research was carried out by the Center of Environment Education (CEE) in India, in collaboration with Soka Gakkai International.