Virtual Library
Browse the Earth Charter Virtual Library to access documents that will help you implement the Earth Charter in your own community, organization, and personal life.
Published: Country: International
Ethics in Sustainable Urban Development Course Brochure
This course offers a space to learn about the nexus between the Sustainable Development Goals, the Earth Charter and urban sustainability. It offers an opportunity to dive into the theory and good practices, and to develop participants' capacities to contribute…
Published: Country: International
Earth Charter Introductory Course Brochure
This course builds on the understanding that the current challenges humanity is facing come from a sense of disconnection with the essence of our lives and other beings, as well as a lack of shared values and an ethical global…
Published: Country: International
Earth Charter Poster for Children
Published: Country: International
Earth Charter International: Circle of 100 Friends
Earth Charter International is making a special invitation to individuals to join the Circle of 100 Friends and become a member by contributing with a yearly fee based on the person's capacity and preference. Therefore, we have created the following…
Published: Country: International
Earth Charter International: Organizational Profile
Earth Charter International (ECI) is the organization that coordinates the global Earth Charter movement providing information, facilitating networking, and generating educational opportunities and materials to turn conscience into action. The ECI Secretariat works towards the implementation of the mission, vision,…
Published: Country: International
Brochure del Diplomado en Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Published: Country: Venezuela
La Carta de la Tierra y el Modelo de Gestión Ambiental Urbana 2016. Orientando el camino hacia la ciudad sostenible.
Published: Country: International
Catalogue of Earth Charter International Publications and Materials
Published: Country: International
Catálogo de Publicaciones y Materiales Carta de la Tierra Internacional
Published: Country: Canada
Collection of articles on Sustainability, Religion and the Earth Charter
Articles written by Martin Luther University College studentsProfessor: Dr. Mary Philip (a.k.a. Joy)Waterloo, These articles were originally published in Consensus, a journal of Canadian Lutheran theology co-sponsored by Martin Luther University College in Waterloo, Ontario and Lutheran Theological Seminary in…