Irving is originally from Cancun, Quintana Roo Mexico. He is 29 years old. He is an Environmental Engineer by profession, with an emphasis on environmental regeneration, from the Universidad del Caribe and a master’s in water sciences, with an emphasis on sustainable hydrogeology, from the Yucatán Scientific Research Center. He developed his master’s thesis on the generation of the first stationary model of groundwater flow in the northern area of Quintana Roo, Mexico. During his academic and professional training, he has worked on the development and monitoring of research projects focused on the characterization of environmental conditions that contribute to sustainable management of natural resources, with emphasis on the region’s water resources. Currently, he works as Head of the Environmental Management Office in the Department of Sustainability of the Universidad del Caribe, with emphasis on the implementation and monitoring of sustainability programs focused on aligning substantive and management functions with the global agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), environmental education for the university community and development of sustainability plans and reports.