
Omar Jair Garces Avendaño

My name is Omar Jair Garces Avendaño, I have a degree in Philosophy from the Lumen Gentium Catholic University and I will soon continue studying Theology at the Conciliar Seminary of the Holy Spirit, in Mexico, and as a professional I have a diploma in the culture of Peace, and my thesis is titled “Ethical responsibility in an Anthropocene society according to Hans Jonas” and is part of the eco-literacy (Encyclical Laudato Si, numeral 216) that I want to do in my community, Church and neighborhood. In my experience, that encouraged my actions and aspirations, and specifically inspired me to sign up for the Earth Charter Young Leaders program. Today, I love being a Laudato Si facilitator and an Earth Charter Young Leader, where I facilitated educational sessions on sustainable development, leadership and ethics. I am firmly committed to changing my habits to reduce my environmental footprint and be a change maker in my country. 

“The demands of this task are going to be so enormous that there is no way to satisfy them with the possibilities of individual initiative and the union of individuals trained in individualism. A gathering of forces and a unity of realization will be required. The ecological conversion that is required to create a dynamism of lasting change is also a philosophical conversion into community” Cf. Romano Guardini, Das Ende der Neuzeit, 72 (esp. ed.: The decline of the Modern Age, 93). 


“Act in such a way that the effects of your action are compatible with the permanence of authentic human life on Earth” -Hans Jonas