For nearly two decades, Earth Charter International has offered education opportunities on sustainable development using the Earth Charter as a guide and educational tool. Today, its Education Center offers professional development programmes bringing educational opportunities to a new level.
The Center’s programmes are designed for professionals and young leaders. Educators in formal and non-formal education settings such as school teachers, university professors, and administrators, as well as policymakers, executives, and managers in the public and private sector, participate and significantly benefit from our programmes

Earth Charter Introductory Course
This course offers an opportunity to deepen the knowledge about the ethical foundation of the Earth Charter and about the worldview that is articulated in it.

Leadership, Sustainability and Ethics
Enhance your skills and knowledge to be ethical and effective sustainability leaders and implement Earth Charter-inspired projects, contributing towards a more sustainable and peaceful world.

Online Certificate on Education for Sustainable Development
Strengthen the knowledge, skills, and abilities of educators to implement ESD and Education for Global Citizenship in their work to respond to the new guidance and educational needs of today.

Diplomado en Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Este Diplomado busca expandir la comprensión de las y los docentes sobre la sostenibilidad y fortalecer sus capacidades para incorporar de manera transversal los valores y principios de ésta en sus programas de enseñanza y práctica educativa.

Introduction to Systems Thinking
This course is an opportunity to build a global system of systems leaders who help their organizations to discover meaningful missions that will transition our ways of living on the planet to become sustainable and resilient.

Business and Ethical Leadership for Sustainability
This course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to take business ethics and sustainability practices to higher levels by using the Earth Charter (EC) as a framework.

Earth Charter Cities Online Course: Ethics in Sustainable Urban Development
This Earth Charter Cities Course will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to take urban sustainability practices to higher levels by using the Earth Charter (EC) and the Earth Charter Cities (ECC) Manifesto.

Visiones del Mundo y Carta de la Tierra
Este curso trata de cómo contando determinados mitos, leyendas, fábulas y cuentos ilustrativos de los principios y valores de la Carta de la Tierra podemos transformar nuestra civilización

Agentes de la Carta de la Tierra
Este curso atiende a la necesidad que tienen las personas de entre 14 y 17 años, de conocimientos y herramientas que les ayuden a desenvolverse y actuar en sus vidas adaptándose al entorno y circunstancia global que han heredado.

Curso para niños “Misión Planeta: Héroes y Heroínas de la Tierra”
Este curso busca ser un primer acercamiento sobre educación para el desarrollo sostenible para los participantes impulsándoles a descubrir, analizar y transformar valores, hábitos, habilidades y aptitudes que les permitan construir estilos de vida sostenibles con los principios de la Carta de la Tierra como una herramienta de acción.