
Financial contributions to Earth Charter International are needed, gratefully received, and can be made in a variety of ways.

Every year, Earth Charter International organizes online dialogues on topical issues and develops resources such as podcast, articles and books around the theme of sustainability, planetary ethics and education. We coordinate a network of over 100 affiliated and partner organizations located in all regions of the world and develop stories from people who are incorporating the Earth Charter in their sphere of work and action. All of this with the purpose to stimulate the minds and hearts of people and expand their worldviews to a more caring and life centred one.

Our Education Center gives the opportunity to dozens of applicants to attend our courses and training programmes with partial or full scholarships. These participants are educators, young leaders, and community leaders located all over the world that are looking to enhance their skills and knowledge to have a bigger impact in their communities in building a more just, sustainable, and peaceful future.

Click to see our Institution and Education Center Brochure.

Click to read the Earth Charter International Organizational Profile.

Your financial contribution will help us to continue our work and to continue offering some scholarships.

We appreciate your support! You can donate to ECI in any one of the following ways:

  1. Using a debit card, credit card, or your PayPal account through PayPal by clicking here.
  2. Using a credit card via: click here to access the donation site.
  3. Making a wire transfer to:

    Beneficiary Account Name: University for Peace/Earth Charter
    Organization Registration Number: 3-110-051869
    Beneficiary Account Number: 100-02-099-600115-2
    Receiving Bank Name: Banco Nacional de Costa Rica
    Bank Address: Avenida Central, Calle 4 y 6, San José, Costa Rica
    IBAN: CR37015109910026001154

For more information or to sponsor a specific project, such as offering scholarships to educators or youth for our courses, or to make an in-kind donation please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you for financially contributing to our work!